​     ​Amateur Radio Station WC4R

Copyright © Joseph Roth WC4R. All rights reserved.

Making friends around the globe

WEB SDR receiver

​​​​My FCC amateur radio license is WC4R. Three of us are licensed in our family. I was first licensed in September 1973 as a Novice class and ultimately Extra class. I am also a Volunteer Examiner with W5YI and ARRL and active in the Virginia RACES , ARRL's ARES and Skywarn as well as Air Force MARS. I'm the founder and first President of the Smithfield amateur radio club, the Western Tidewater Radio Association.  A good amateur radio operator follows The Amateur's Code

​<<NEW>> Online SDR receiver. Free to use. AM, SSB, FM, FT8, FT4, DRM, FAX, and more modes. 

The AM transmission mode has found new life in ham radio. It is a blessing to many non-hams known as SWL. Hams should avoid SSB transmission on the frequencies and windows set for AM operators.  N3ELM N4RTH  K4IWA 2IR084  2WR84 

From my Williamsburg, Virginia home, (grid FM17pg) about 115 miles (185 Km) south of Washington DC, I operate the 70 cm-160 meter bands and a full 1,500 watts in both voice and all digital modes. The heart of my HF station centers around a Flex Radio 5000A, Yaesu FTdx101D, Yaesu FT-102, Yaesu FT-857D, Yaesu FT-991A, Drake L-4B, and Command Technologies HF-2500. I run up to 1500 watts base and 100 watts mobile. I operate the 145.410 repeater which is a Yaesu DR-2X with IMRS and WIRES-X in dual mode. Wires-X node 94417, room 04417. Click on 'My Station' above to see the radio room or 'My radios' for a closeup. There is fun in communicating via amateur radio satellites and talking to the hams in the space shuttle and International Space Station.  Data on my recent on-air activities are on this page.  Here is a map of my contact locations around the world.

Who is Joe? Briefly, I am an entrepreneur, business owner, business and mechanical technologies teacher. Father and husband. Christian and conservative. Educated with a BA in business administration, BA in economics, MBA in economics, PhD in business management. My background includes experience in banking, cellular telephone, cable TV, automotive franchise ownership, and higher education.

Interested in getting your Amateur Radio Service FCC license? Watch this video and visit this page for teaching and study aids. After you studied, check the W5YI or ARRL for test locations. Follow this link to a list of famous people that were ham radio operators.

Listen to my March 2009 shortwave radio interview with Ted RandallWB8PUM. The 90-minute mp3 is available here.

Some important Federal, State, and local laws which protect the amateur radio service and the Federally licensed stations.
FCC PRB-1: Federal preemption of state and Local Regulations Pertaining to Amateur Radio Facilities.
Code of Virginia § 15.2-2293.1: The placement of amateur radio antennas.
Virginia Code § 55-513.1: Flag display; necessary supporting structures.
18 USC 1362, is a Federal law which protects stations from vandals and interfering with the station operation.​ 

WC4R at ClubLog